Editorial council

Dr. Gagik Khachatryan A. (Armenia)
Head of the department of dental and pharmaceutical professional education

Professor Lazar Yessayan K. (Armenia)
Dean of faculty Stomatology YSMU President of Armenian dental association, Head of the Department of Therapeutic and Family Dentistry, YSMU

Dr. David Matevosyan V. (Armenia)
DMD,PhD, Lecturer department Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery YSMU, Founder and Director of Implantum Dental Clinic, Chief Consultant for General Dentistry at the RA Ministry of Health
Editorial Board

Associate professor Bakalyan Vardan L. (Armenia)
President of the Association of Periodontists of Armenia

Associate professor Badalyan Aram G. (Armenia)
Head of Head & Neck Surgery Service, “NAIRI” Medical Center

Dr. Grigoryan Karen L. (Armenia)
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate professor YSMU, Founder-President of the Avanta Innovative Medical Center, President of the Armenian Association of Implantologists, Chief Dentist-Surgeon, Implantologist of the Ministry of Health of RA.

Professor Lalayan Karen V. (Armenia)
Professor department Oral and Maxillofacial surgery YSMU

Professor Pogosyan Anna Yu. (Armenia)
Professor Department Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery YSMU, Head of department Maxillofacial Surgery and ENT diseases of N 1 “Heratsi” University Hospital,President Armenian Association of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery

Professor Pogosyan Yuri M. (Armenia)
Professor Department Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery YSMU

DMSc Ter-Poghosyan Hrant Yu. (Armenia)
Head of the Department of Pediatric Stomatology and Orthodontics YSMU, Chief Pediatric Dentist of the of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Armenia, President Armenian Association Orthodontics

Dr. Vardanyan Izabella F. (Armenia)
PhD, Associate professor Department of Pediatric Stomatology and Orthodontics YSMU

Artak Heboyan BDSc MSD,PhD (Armenia)
Associate Professor, Department of Prosthodontics, Yerevan State Medical University after M. Heratsi (Armenia)

Dr. Dashtoyan Torgom M. (Armenia)
DMD, Ph.D, Associate Professor YSMU, Founder and Director of Dental clinic GDC

Associate Professor Yenokyan Hayk D. (Armenia)
Ph.D, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Head and Neck Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery, National Institute of Health,Head of Plastic and Maxillofacial Surgery Service Elit-Med” Medical Center

Associate Professor Khachatryan Grigor E. (Armenia)
MD, Ph.D, Associate professor Department Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery YSMU,
Founder, scientific director of the Armenian-German Maxillofacial and Plastic Surgery Center “Modern Implant Medicine”

Associate professor Papikyan Artur V. (Armenia)
PhD, DDS, Associate professor Department Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery YSMU, Head of Maxillofacial Surgery department at Mikaelyan Institute of Surgery

Professor Khachikyan Khachik M. (Armenia)
MD, PhD, DMS, professor, Head of Department of Dermatology and Sexually Transmitted Infections Yerevan State Medical University

Associate professor Hovhannisyan Armen R. (Armenia)
PhD,MD, Associate professor, Head of Plastic Surgery Service of Medical Center “Erebouni”, Director of the clinic “Da Vinci”

Associate professor Sahakyan Artavazd B. (Armenia)
PhD,MD,Associate professor, Head of the Department of Plastic Surgery Faculty of Postgraduate and Continuing Education

Professor Khudaverdyan Drastamat N. (Armenia)
Professor, DMSc, Head of the Department of Physiology Yerevan State Medical Universit

Dr. Hayrapetyan Ara D. (Armenia)
MD, DMSc, Head of Maxillo-Facial Surgery Department Erebebuni Medical Center, Yerevan
E-mail: araysurg@yahoo.com

Associate professor Muradayan Lusine K. (Armenia)
PhD, DMD, Associate professor, Head of department the Family Dentistry National Institute of Health, Head of Clinic of Dentistry National Institute of Health, CJSC

Professor Mikael Manrikyan E. (Armenia)
Professor Of Department Pediatric dentistry YSMU

Professor Marina Markaryan M. (Armenia)
Professor of the Department of Therapeutic and Family Dentistry YSMU

Associate Professor Anna Vardanyan (Armenia)
Associate professor Head of the Department of Prosthodontic YSMU

Associate Professor Aram Baykov V. (Armenia)
Associate Professor, Dept. of Pharmacology, Head of Academic Programs’ Department, YSMU

Associate Professor Lilit Voskanyan A. (Armenia)
MD, PhD, Head of Department of Ophthalmology YSMU, Head of Glaucoma Department in Ophthalmological Center after S.V. Malayan

Professor Gevorg Tamamyan N. (Armenia)
MD, MSc, PhD, DrSc, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences,Chairman at the Department of Pediatric Oncology and Hematology, Yerevan State Medical University
Head of the Pediatric Cancer and Blood Disorders Center of Armenia

Associate Professor Lyudmila Tatintsyan(Armenia)
MD Associate Professor of the Department of Therapeutic Dentistry

Associate Professor Arayik Gharibyan (Armenia)
Ph.D otorhinolaryngologist Associate Professor National Institutes of Health (NIH) Deputy Medical Director of ARTMED medical rehabilitation center
Foreign members of the Editorial Board

Professor Irina Mazur (Ukraine)
MD, PhD, Professor Head of the Department of Dentistry Shupyk National Medical Academy Of Postgraduate Education, President of the NGO “Ukrainian Dental Association” , Chairman of the Board of the National Medical Council of Ukrainian National Liaison Officer World Federation of Dentists (FDI) . Representative of Ukraine in the Standing Committee of European Doctors (СРМЕ).

Professor Irina Kuzmina (Russia)
Doctor of Medicine, Professor, Head of Department of Prevention of Stomatological Diseases Moscow State Medical and Stomatological University nam. A.I. Evdokimova, Head of the section on prevention of stomatological diseases of the Stomatological Association of Russia (StAR) National ambassador of Russia from Stomatological Association of Russia (StAR) in the World Dental Association (FDI) “Commonwealth”

Professor Rinat Saleev (Russia)
Doctor of Medicine ,Professor, Dean of stomatological faculty Kazan State Medical University,Chief Doctor of the Stomatological Polyclinic of the Kazan State Medical University, President-elect in the Stomatological Association of Russia (StAR)

Professor Edita Margaryan (Russia)
Doctor of Medicine, Professor of the Department of Therapeutic Dentistry of the First First Moscow State Medical University (MSMU) I.M. Sechenova.

Professor Samvel Apresyan (Russia)
Doctor of Medicine, Professor Department of Prosthodontics Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia | RUDN President of the Digital Dentistry Association
Member of the Board of Directors of the Digital Dentistry Society
Editor-in-chief of Digital Dentistry magazine

Professor Aram Davidyan (Russia)
Professor Chief Doctor of AVRORA Clinic,Scientific editor of the publishing houses “Quintessence Moscow Publishing House” and “Azbuka”

Professor Andrey Akulovich (Russia)
Professor Department of Prosthodontics Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia | RUDN,
Founder and Haed of the dental clinic “Denticure”(St. Petersburg), Head of the Teeth Whitening Center of Professor Akulovich (Moscow),President of the “Society for the Study of Color in Dentistry”,Official Consul from Russia on the Board of the Society for Color and Appearance in Dentistry (SCAD);Chief editor of the journal “Aesthetic Dentistry”

Professor Julia Kolenko G. PhD, DMS (Ukraine)
Head of the Department of Dental Therapys Bogomolets National Medical University, Kyiv, Ukraine
e-mail therap.dent@nmu.ua

Professor Saule Esenbaeva (Kazakhstan)
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor International Center for Medical Education YES,Vice-Regent ACADEMY OF DENTISTRY INTERNATIONAL

Professor Bedros Yavru-Sakuk (USA)
Professor, DDS, CHDF, MAGD, FADI, FICD, Regent- Central Asia and Eastern European Sections of the ICD, International College of Dentists – Section XV Bedros Yavru-Sakuk (USA)
E-mail: byavrusakuk@yahoo.com

Professor Adamayan Ruben (Russia)
Doctor of Medicine, Professor, Head of the Department of Reconstructive and Plastic Surgery of the Scientific Center of Surgery named after A.I. acad. B.V. Petrovsky.

Dr. Haim Neuman (Israel)
Dr.,Member of the “Health Council” of the State of Israel Haim Neuman

Professor Marzena Dominiak (Poland)
Professor, Vice Rector for strategic initiatives Medical University of Wroclaw, Poland Full Professor and Head of the Department of Oral Surgery, Medical University of Wroclaw. Visiting professor in TU Dresden, Germany, Vice-chair of FDI Education Committee. President of Polish Dental Association

Associate Professor Irina Dvulit (Ukraine)
MD, PhD, Associate Professor,Therapeutic Dentistry Department of Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University

Associate Professor Dmitry Grichanyuk (Belarus)
Associate Professor, Head of Department of Maxillofacial Surgery Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

Dr. Artavazd Kharazayan (Russia)
Head of maxillofacial service of Moscow State Medical and Stomatological University (MSMSU) nam. A.I. Evdokimova

Associate Professor Galina Chistyakova (Belarus)
Associate Professor of Depertment Therapeutic Dentistry Belarusian State Medical University (BSMU).

Dr. Brian Murdoch (Argentina)
Secretario en Asociación Odontológica Argentina. Presidente de la Asociacion Odontologica Argentina 2016-2017.

Professor Nikolai Shirkov (Bulgaria)
Professor, President FDI, President of the Bulgarian Dental Association

Dr. Gorassini Francesca (Italy)
Pediatric Dentistry University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”, 80121, Naples, Italy
Email: gorassinifrancesca@gmail.com

Dr. Irina Kryazhinova (Russia)
Executive Director Moscow Regional Association of Dentists and Maxillofacial Surgeons, Researcher- Moscow Regional Scientifically and Clinical Institute n.c. Vladimirsky Vice-Chairman of the section “Oncoscreening in Dentistry” Dental Association of Russia (Russia)

Professor Davit Nazaryan (Russia)
PhD, Professor Founder NKclinic Head Of department Maxillofacial&plastic surgery FMBA Russia, Head of Surgery Department-ը՝ Boston Institute of Aesthetic Dentistry

Professor Sargis Nalbandian (Australia)
Visiting Professor At YSMU, Contributor and consultant to postgraduate master’s degree programs in Restorative Dentistry and Prosthodontics at King’s College, University of London. Dip Clin Dent (oral Implants) at University of Sydney.

Professor Rajiv Kumar Chugh (India)
Professor, BDS,MDS ,President Elect Indian Dental Association, National Head Office, Secretary General INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE OF DENTISTS (REGD.) Editor in Chief (Asia), Journal of Advanced Dentistry

Professor Stepanov Alexandr (Russia)
Professor Department maxillofacial surgery Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia | RUDN

Dr. Ismail Milhem (Palestinia)
President of Palestinian Dental Association-President of the Jerusalem Center, Head of PDA Subcommittee – Bethlehem

Professor Łukasz Zadrożny (Poland)
DDS , PhD Adjunct Professor, Warsaw Medical University,Course Director, Osstem AIC Europe and Poland
Visiting Lecturer, Semmelweiss University, Budapest, Hungary
Visiting Lecturer, University Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Member of Scientific Board of Implants, International Magazine of Oral Implantology, Polish Edition

Professor Lorenzo Lo Muzio (Italy)
Full Professor of Oral Pathology and Medicine – University of Foggia, ItalyDirector of the Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine – University of Foggia, ItalyVice-director of CINBO (Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per la Bio-Oncologia)Past -President of SIPMO (Society of Italian Pathology and Medicine Oral.

Professor Boyapati Ramanarayana (India)
Professor Department of Periodontology, Sibar Institute of Dental Sciences, Takkellapadu, Guntur,Andhra Pradesh, India
e-mail dr.ramanarayana.editor@gmail.com

Professor Adolfo Di Fiore (Italy)
DDS ; M.Sc; Ph.D. Professor Department of Neurosciences University of Padova | UNIPD · Adolfo Di Fiore(Italy), Specialist in Paediatric Dentistry (M.Sc)

Dr. Maha Mostafa (Egypt)
BDS, MD, PhD of Orthodontics, Lecturer of Orthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt. A member of Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education Unit in the Faculty of Dentistry, Al-Azhar University

Professor Preetinder Singh (India)
BDS, MDS, Professor in Periodontology and Implantology Swami Devi Dayal Hospital & Dental College, Director (corporation) The Dental Specialists- Mohali,Chandigarh, Senior International Faculty-Universal School of Health, Editor in Chief of Journal of Periodontal Medicine & Clinical Practice, International Ambassador AOS, Regent, Global Summit Institute, United States of America-ը՝ Global Summit, Editor Advisory Board of Dentistry Cambridge Scholars Publishing

Dr. Elham T Kateeb (Palestine)
Dean of Scientific Research-ը՝ Al-Quds University جامعة القدس, Associate Professor-ը՝ Al-Quds University جامعة القدس, Research Associate-ը՝ University of Iowa

Professor Ahmed A. Elwahed Shabaan (Egypt)
Professor of Prosthetic Implantology ,Faculty of Dentistry, Future
University, Msc, Prosthodontics Ain Shams University, Egypt
Chief scientific advisor Multysystem SRL
Founder and General Secretary՝ Egyptian Association Of Prosthetic and Restorative Dentistry

Dr. Meshari Faraj Al-Otaibi (Saud)
President, Makkah International Dental Conference & Exhibition.
Vice President of Saudi Dental Society.
Member, Executive Board Global Scientific Alliances-GSDA, AEEDC Dubai, UAE.
Consultant in Restorative, Esthetic & Implant Dentistry.
Board Member, Saudi Society of Restorative Dentistry.

Professor Anil Sukumaran (Qatar)
Professor and Consultant in Periodontics and Implant Dentistry Department of Periodontics and Implant Dentistry.
Saveetha University, College of Dentistry, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, INDIA

Professor Gerhard Konrad Seeberger (Italy)
Professore Clinica Odontoiatrica – Università di Cagliari.
Former President of the World Dental Federation.

Professor Maca Fuentes (Chili)
Professor, Directora Odontológica Clínica Ortodoncia SanMart.
Ex Directora Odontológica CEM Hospital Del Trabajador, Santiago.

Professor Chad Gehil (USA)
professor Councillor FDI World Dental Federation
Executive Director Queens County Dental Society
Past President American Dental Association
Clinical Associate Professor՝ New York University
Trusteeship American Dental Association
President New York State Dental Association

Dr. Luis Filipe Correia (Portugal)
President of the Deontological Council of Discipline՝ Dental Association
Managing Partner: Pateodente – Dental Medicine Clinic

Dr. Amira Elbeshiehy (Egypt)
Owner at Dr.Amira Elbeshiehy Dental clinic
BDS ,MJDF ,MFDS Member of The Royal college of surgeons of Edinburgh -united kingdom Fellow of advanced aesthetic and restorative Dentistry of The universita’ degli studi di Genova

Dr. Alejandro Garcia Huerta (Mexico)
Chair of Interanational Perio Master Clinic,Doctor Dental Clinic «Garica»

Professor Curd Bollen (The Netherlands)
Professor Ulster University, Birmingham, Dean of the college of dentistry at the AUIB (Bagdad) . Periodontist & Implant Dentist: Bio-Mondcentrum Eyckholt

Professor Moschos A. Papadopoulos (Greece)
DDS, Dr Med Dent Chairman & Program Director
Department of Orthodontics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
e-mail dr.mikepap@gmail.com

Professor Jamil Awad Shibli (Brazil)
PhD, DDS, Professor (Full) at Universidade Guarulhos
Professor and Head of Oral Implantology, Department of Periodontology and Oral Implantology, Dental Research Division, Guarulhos University, SP, (Brazil)
Reviewer of the International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants, Clinical Oral Implants Research, Journal of Clinical Periodontology, Journal of Periodontology, Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research, Journal of Periodontal Research, PlosOne, Journal of Biomedical Material Research, part B: applied Biomaterials, BioMed Res International. He also is editorial board of Journal of International Academy of Periodontology, BioMed Res International, Case Reports in Dentistry and Brazilian Oral Research.

Professor Narine Sargsyan (Russia)
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Chief Doctor of the network of dental clinics “Denta OS”,Professor of the Institute of Immunology and Physiology of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Therapeutic Dentistry and Propaedeutics of Dental Diseases of the Ural State Medical University, Senior Researcher of the Ural Federal University. Curator for the Ural region in the Russian Periodontal Association

Professor Maria Giulia Nosotti (Italy)
Professor Department of Human Sciences, Innovation and Territory, Dental Hygiene School, University of Insubria, Vice-President Dental Hygienists in Piacenza, Italy. Editorial Board: Svoa Dentistry and International Journal of Scientific Researcher in Dental and Medical Sciences.

Professor Marzia Segu’ DDS, FADI, PhD (Italy)
Orthodontist, professor Faculty of Dentistry Universitá degli Studi di Parma, Italy, Instructor of the ”Advanced Course in Edgewise Mechanics & Researcher.
E-mail: marzia.segu@unipv.it

Professor (DR.) Alex Mathews Muruppel BDS, MDS (India)
Dr.Principal, Rajas Dental College & Hospital, Kanyakumari, Tamilnadu, India
Professor International Faculty Panel, Department of Integrated Surgical and Diagnostic Sciences, & Academic Director for India, Università degli Studi di Genova, Italy
Editorial Consultant & Peer Reviewer Lasers in Medical Science Journal
E mail alexmuruppel@gmail.com

Professor Andrey Yaremenko (Russia)
Doctor of Medical Sciences, President Dental Association of Russia , Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of the First St. Petersburg Medical University named after Academician I.I. Pavlova, Head of the Department of Surgical Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery – the first Department of Dentistry in Russian universities, Chief Maxillofacial Surgeon of the St Petersburg Pavlov State Medical University after A.I. ak. Pavlova named after A.I. ak. Pavlova,Head of Department-ը՝ St Petersburg Pavlov State Medical University after A.I. ak. Pavlova.

Dr. Bhavana Sujanamulk (India)
BDS, MDS, PHD, Associate Professor of Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology Drs Sudha and Nageswara Rao Siddhartha Institute of Dental Sciences, Gannavaram, Andhra Pradesh, India PG Clinical research NIMS, Member Oral Cancer Foundation IDA
E-mail bhudevamma@gmail.com

Lucia Giuliano (Italy)
Medical Director at Dentalpro, Dentist and Orthodontist at Dentalpro dental centers

Dr. Daniel J. Melker (USA)
D.D.S. private practice of Periodontics,Dr. Melker has lectured to the University of Florida Periodontic and Prosthodontic graduate programs on the Periodontic-Restorative relationship and has also lectured at Baylor University, University of Houston, University of Alabama Birmingham, as well as LSU GraduatePeriodontal Program. Dr. Melker’s lectures include the Florida Society of Periodontics, the Pankey Institute, Florida Dental Hygiene Society, the Southwest Florida Dental Society, the West Coast Dental Association, Florida Society of Prosthodontics, the Massachusetts Dental Association, the New Orleans Dental Congress, American Academy of Periodontology and the Florida Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, Arizona Dental Society, Connecticut Society of Periodontists, Iowa Dental society, Maimonides Society in Washington DC, Greater Orlando Dental Society, Institute for Advanced Laser Dentistry and the Ontario Academy of Periodontics.

Dr. Peter Fairbairn (United Kingdom)
Visiting Professor Department of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry, School of Dentistry, University of Detroit Mercy, USA, Director of Education of the Association of Dental Implantology (UK), Owner Self-Employed, Managing Director EthOss Bone Regeneration, and Principal Dentist Scarsdale Dental Clinic(United Kingdom) Past President of London Dental Fellowship and Honorary life member of the ADI ( UK)

Dr. Gurien Demiraqi (Albania)
DDS, MS, PHD, Regent at Global Summit Institute, Top 100 Doctor of 2020, International Ambassador of Academy of Oral Surgery private practice at the clinic “DemiraqiDental” in Tirana Albania.
Member and Albanian President of the International Academy of Implantoprosthesis and Osteoconnection (IAIO), Visiting professor at the Universal School of Health in the University of California, Inventor of the “Sticky Tooth” grafting material, Co-inventor of the Baruti-Demiraqi approach, a PAOO enhancement technique with hard and soft tissue grafting protocol.

Professor Luca Fiorillo DDS, PhD, MSc (Italy)
Research Assistant and Adjunct Professor of Prosthodontics (MED/28). Associate Professor – Italian Scientific Qualification (06/F1 – Oral diseases and dentistry) PhD in Bioengineering Applied to Medical Sciences. Department of Biomedical and Dental Sciences, Morphological and Functional Images, School of Dentistry University of Messina, Policlinico G. Martino, Via Consolare Valeria, 98100 ME, Italy
e-mail lucafiorillo@live.it

Professor Vladimer Margvelashvili M.D., Ph.D., D.M.Sci.(Georgia)
Head of Department of Stomatological and Maxilla-facial surgery, faculty of medicine, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University,
Founder and President of Georgian Implantological Association.
Founder and Secretary General of Georgian Stomatological Association.
Member of Senate of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University.
Member of Continuing Professional Development Council of Ministry of Labor, Health and Social care of Georgia.
Expert of Ministry of Labor, Health and Social care of Georgia in Dentistry.
Chairmen of license committee of prosthetic dentistry of Ministry of Labor, Health and Social care of Georgia.
Author and Program Director of residency in prosthetic dentistry in Georgia.
E-mail v_marg@yahoo.com

Dr. Pascal Valentini (France)
Program Director for European Post Graduate Oral Implantology at the University of Corsica (Corte, France) and for the University of Liege in Belgium.
Adjunct Associate Professor, Co-Chairman European Post Graduate of Oral Implantology University of Corsica Pasquale Paoli
Associate Professor of Implant Dentistry at University of Loma Linda (California, USA) , Adjunct Professor of Implant Dentistry in Griffith University (Quennsland , Australia) and Visiting Professor of Oral Surgery at the University of Milan (Italy).
Adjunct Associate Professor-ը՝ Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Past President European Association for Osseointegration EAO 2012-2014

Dr. Jin Y. Kim (Australia)
Adjunct Professor Catholic University of Daegu
• Director, Global Dental Implant Academy (GDIA)
• Founder & Director, West Coast Study Club
• Former Lecturer, UCLA School of Dentistry
• Former Lecturer, University of Sydney Faculty of Dentistry
• Clinical Professor, Gachon University Medical School
• Clinical Professor, Catholic University of Daegu Medical School
Clinical professor 가천대 길병원
Arrow of Light Den Leader-ը Cub Scout Pack 1223, Fullerton CA
Lecturer, Section of Periodontics UCLA School of Dentistry
• Past President, Western Society of Periodontology (WSP)

Professor Yuriy Vasiliev (Russia)
Doctor of Sciences (Medicine), D.D.S.,
Professor of operative surgery and topographic anatomy department,
Vice-director for work with foreign students,
N.V. Sklifosovskiy Institute of Clinical Medicine,
Sechenov University Moscow, Russia

Professor Nisrine El Arrouf (Morocco)
Head of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics Department – Dental Medicine Faculty of Rabat -Mohammed 5 th University of Rabat -Morocco

Dr. Fernando M. Fernandez (Philippine)
Chairman: Department of Dental Medicine; University of Perpetual Help Medical Center
-Asst. Professor: University of Perpetual Help System DALTA, College of Dentistry
-Past President of Philippine College of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
-Past President: Philippine Dental Association
– Editorial Board, Asia Pacific Dental Federation Journal
-President: PCOMS Foundation,Inc.
-President: University of the East Dental Alumni,Inc.

Dr. Suresh Shanmuganathan (Sri Lanka)
Consultant Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon
President – Asia Pacific Dental Federation (APDF) 2021 /2022
President – Commonwealth Dental Association 2018 / 2019
Councillor for Sri Lanka – International Association of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons (IAOMS)
Councillor for Sri Lanka – Asian Association of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons (AAOMS)
International Dental Ambassador – Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh
President – Sri Lanka Association for Advancement of Science (SLAAS) – Section A 2016
President – Sri Lanka Association of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons 2014 / 2015
President – Sri Lanka Dental Association 2012 / 2013
President – College of Dentistry and Stomatology of Sri Lanka 2010 / 2011

Professor Dmitriy Trunin (Russia)
Professor Doctor of Medical Sciences
Director; Head of the Department of Dentistry, Institute of Professional Education of SamSMU, FSBEI HE SamSMU MOH Russia, Ex President of the Dental Association of Russia

Professor Karen Karakov (Russia)
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department of Therapeutic Stomatology Stavropol State Medical University, President of the Stavropol Regional Dental Association

Assistant Professor Mohamed Yehia Abdelfattah (Egypt-USA)
B.D.Sc, M.D.Sc, Ph.D.
Visiting Scholar , ISCRM, UW, USA. Research Fellow University of Washington, USA. Active Member of International Association Of Dental Research (IADR), USA. Course Director for undergraduates& Postgraduates, OBD, Faculty of Dentistry, BSU& NGU, Egypt. Board Member, Egyptian Dental League since 2006. Member of American Association of Orthodontics (AAO), USA. Member, Egyptian Clinical Dental Society. Former Vice President elect of American Academy of Craniofacial Pain (EGY-CHAPTER) Keynote speaker at International Dental Conferences, USA, UK, Spain, France, Egypt.

Professor Claudio Stacchi (Italy)
Adjunct Professor in Oral Implantology University of Trieste, Italy
President-Elect of the Italian Society of Oral Surgery
Past President of the International Piezoelectric Surgery Academy (IPA)
e mail: claudio@stacchi.it

Professor Elena Bulycheva (Russia)
Member of the Council Dental Association of Russia
Doctor of medical sciences, professor, St.
Petersburg State Medical University named after ak.
Pavlova, orthopedic dentis Chairman of the Section of Clinical Gnathology Dental Association of Russia

Dr. Anmol Bagaria (India)
Founder & CEO Cynodent Founder President-ը՝ Indian Society of Dentistry World Dental Sciences and Oral Health Conferences Kendriya Manav Adhikar Niti Ayog / Govt. of India Headed IAID Indian Association of International Dentistry-ում Director of Health Services Central Human Right Joint Director Next-Den-Gen FAGE (Fellow of Academy of General Education, Manipal), Private Practitioner, Mumbai)

Claudio Pinheiro Fernandes (Rio de Janeiro)
Professor Adjunto Universidade Federal Fluminense

Associate Professor Shtorina Galina B. (Russia)
Candidate of Medical Sciences,Associate Professor St. Petersburg Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, St. Petersburg State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov.
Chief Dand Founder of the Dental Center “Petrodent”. US Patent holder from 2014 for the treatment of Periodontitis
Author of the Book “Preparation and conduct of surgical interventions for generalized periodontitis” . 2014.

Prof. Nissan Joseph (Israel)
Prosthodontist, Professor & Head Department of Oral-Rehabilitation,
School of Dental-Medicine, Tel-Aviv University.
Head of Oral-Rehabilitation & Implant-Prosthodontics
Rabin Medical-Center, Belinson Hospital, Petah- Tikva
President : The Israel Society of Implant-Dentistry

Professor Dr. Reem Hanna, (United Kingdom)
BDS, PhD, MSc, PG DipSed, PG DipHE, PG Cert.AP, FAHE
Registered Specialist Oral Surgeon,UK.,Professor ac, Department of Surgical Sciences and Integrated Diagnostics, University of Genoa, Genoa, Italy.
Honorary Associate Professor, Department of Restorative Dental Sciences, UCL-Eastman Dental Institute, London, UK Associate Specialist, Department of Oral Surgery, King’s College Hospital, London, UK
Academic coordinator and lead of Fellowship Courses in Laser Dentistry for dentists, hygienists and therapists, UCL-Eastman Dental Institute, London, UK,An Executive Board Member of British Medical Laser Association (BMLA).Chair of BMLA Scientific Committee,Fellow Royal Society of MedicineFellow Academy of Higher Education, UK

Dr. Gor Zalyan (Maldives)
MD, PhD , Oral and Maxillo facial surgeon, Hulhumale Hospital (Maldives)

Professor Georgi Tomov (Bulgaria)
DMD, MSc, PhD,Professor Faculty of Dental Medicine, Plovdiv Medical University, Head of Department of Periodontology at Medical University of Plovdiv
Director of the Laser Dental Center at the Research Institute at Medical University of Plovdiv (RIMUP), President of Bulgarian Dental Laser Society, Executive Board member of the ISLD (International Society for Laser Dentistry) and active lecturer on laser dentistry in Europe and Asia.

Professor Paula Perlea (Romania)
DMD, PhD, Professor, specializes in general dentistry and endodontics, Dean Department of Endodontics Faculty of Dental Medicine “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Bucharest Bucharest, Romania
Executive editor of the Romanian Journal of Stomatology
President of the Romanian Endodontic Association
Member of the AG of FDI World Dental Parliament as NLO for Romania
Member of the General Assembly of the European Endodontics Association – ESE
Member of the Council of the Balkan Dental Society BASS

Associate Professor Sergio Spinato (Italy)
DDS, PhD, private dental practices in Sassuolo, Italy, and specialises in periodontology and implantology. Аdjunct professor at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy, secretary of the International Piezosurgery Academy.
Lecturer at Master of Oral Surgery, University of Sevilla, Spain.
Lecturer at Doctoral Thesis Board, University of Granada (Spain).
Speaker at Congresses in Italy and Europe (SICOI, SIO).
Active Member of the SIdCO ( Società Italiana di Chirurgia Orale).
Speaker at Congresses in Italy, Europe and the U.S.A (FDI, SIdP,SICOI, SIO, Update- Implantology Heidelberg, SECIB Madrid, SCOI Granada, International Piezosurgery Academy, Genova and Barcelona; EDI-OSIS Warsaw, SECIB Malaga, IJPRD Boston). Research Interest Material Characterization, Implant, Bone, Case Reports, Histology, Periodontics

Professor Vitaly Rumyantsev (Russia)
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department of Periodontology, Tver State Medical University, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Professor Georges Aoun (Lebanon)
Department of Oral Medicine and Maxillofacial Radiology,Faculty of Dental Medicine, Lebanese University, Beirut, Board Member, Research Council, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Lebanese University, Beirut, Lebanon
Emails: dr.georgesaoun@gmail.com

Dental surgeon, MSc Laser Dentistry, PGD Implantology
Professor a.c Department of Surgical Sciences and integrated Diagnostics,University of Genova,Italy
Visiting Professor at Montpellier University
European Certificate in Laser Dentistry, Paris
Country Representative WFLD
Peer-Reviewer LIMS
Emails: docbilel@yahoo.fr

Dr GARDON Nicolas (France)
President of the French Society for Endodontics
Master’s in biological and medical sciences
Private Practice in France, Endodontics
Emails: gardon-lafont.selarl@orange.fr

Dott. Giuseppe Minervini (Italy)
DD, DS, PhD in ‘Biochemical and Biotechnological Sciences
Degree in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics
Postgraduate in Orthodontics
Expert in Temporomandibular Disorders
Multidisciplinary Department of Medical-Surgical and Odontostomatological Specialties, University of Campania, Luigi Vanvitelli‖, 80121 Naples, Italy